Dear All,<br><br>I have a question regarding the contact interactions between a protein-ligand complex.<br><br>I can retrieve the contacts by the findclash command in --nogui mode as below:<br>chimera --nogui protligcomplex.pdb <a href=""></a><br>
<br>and similarly I can find the hbonds.<br><br>The output I am getting is as below:<br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>32 contacts<br>atom1 atom2 overlap distance<br>
LIG 1 H ALA 265.A O 1.045 1.435<br>LIG 1 O ALA 265.A O 0.550 2.430<br>LIG 1 N GLU 169.A OE2 0.439 2.666<br>LIG 1 H GLU 169.A CD 0.116 2.584<br>LIG 1 O ASN 253.A 1HD2 0.094 2.386<br>LIG 1 H ALA 265.A C 0.090 2.610<br>
LIG 1 C ALA 265.A O 0.059 3.121<br>LIG 1 N ASN 253.A OD1 -0.037 3.142<br>LIG 1 C ALA 265.A O -0.039 3.219<br>LIG 1 N GLU 169.A HG3 -0.072 2.697<br>LIG 1 C PHE 168.A HB2 -0.081 2.781<br>LIG 1 N GLU 169.A CG -0.113 3.438<br>
LIG 1 N GLU 169.A CD -0.125 3.450<br>LIG 1 N GLU 169.A CD -0.128 3.453<br>LIG 1 C MET 270.A HG2 -0.140 2.840<br>LIG 1 N PHE 168.A CD2 -0.163 3.488<br>.......... .... ... .. .<br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
<br>Now I want to further classify these contact interactions into more other types:<br>Aromatic and Ionic (anion < - > cation).<br>Is there any way in Chimera to achieve this?<br>Or if I want to do it with some scripting, which atoms I would say are involved in ionic<br>
and aromatic interactions considering the distance value as well?<br>I would be very much grateful if someone suggest me a way to do this.<br><br>Thanks,<br><br>Best regards,<br><br>--<br>Shahid.<br><br>