[Chimera-users] render by attribute displacement of a NMA

Giorgio Giardina giorgio.giardina at uniroma1.it
Sat Mar 13 09:07:55 PST 2021


I have a pdb file containing the models (only CA atoms) describing the
lowest mode from a NMA.
I can easily generate a movie using the morphing tool, but I would like to
visualize the mode as an image, using the render by attribute tool and with
the displacement of each CA as value of the worm radius.
How can I generate this attribute?

Thanks in advance for you rhelp!

Giorgio Giardina, Ph.D.
Dep. of Biochemical Sciences (CU027) - Room T2
SAPIENZA - University of Rome
Tel. +39.06.49910713 | Lab: http://www.macinmec.it/giorgio-giardina/  |
Art: http://www.giorgio-giardina.com/
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