[Chimera-users] Chimera Color Coding Chains that are Interacting

Andrew Cuyegkeng ajcuyegkeng at ucdavis.edu
Thu Feb 1 11:09:26 PST 2018

Hello again,
Sorry for the very vague email.

The protein complex I am looking at has 8 different chains. I want to
identify the atoms/residues involved in the interface between two chains
and color code the residues involved based on what chain they are on. For
example, if we had the following points of contact:
Tyr 100.A    <----> Asp 500.C
Lys 200.A  <---> Leu 400.D

How can I color the Tyr 100.A and Lys 200.A the same color (since they are
on the same chain), and Asp and Leu both different colors? And then how can
I make all residues   not involved in the interface the same color (like
black)? I just want to make all interacting residues on the same chain the
same color, and everything that is not interacting the color black.

I hope this clarifies things! I apologize: I just started using the program
last week and have gone through the online tutorials, but I'm still
unfamiliar with the majority of the tools/commands.

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