[Chimera-users] extracting chaing colors from session file?

Melissa Jurica mjurica at ucsc.edu
Fri Sep 2 13:23:30 PDT 2016

I am analyzing a structure containing many individual chains that I have colored.  I would like to transfer these colors to another structure of the same complex in a different conformation.  Is there a way to extract the colors into a text file so that I can write a command file with the same color designations?

For example:

color #6168c8fb41bc #0.17

How do I get that color to apply to the little square that shows up on the model panel?


Melissa S. Jurica, Ph.D.
Professor, Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology
Center for Molecular Biology of RNA
University of California, Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064

Office: 450 Sinsheimer Labs	Lab: 434 Sinsheimer Labs 
Office phone (831) 459-4427	Lab phone (831) 459-2463	Fax (831) 459-3139

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