[Chimera-users] Running out of memory when recording movies

Oliver Clarke olibclarke at gmail.com
Sat Jan 30 14:04:50 PST 2016

Also, I've noticed that if I try to record another movie in the same
session of chimera after having recorded one already, I run out of memory
very fast, whereas if I restart chimera and immediately reload the same
session, I am able to record the same movie without a problem - I wonder if
maybe there is a memory leak of some sort?


On Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 12:44 PM, Oliver Clarke <olibclarke at gmail.com>

> Hello,
> I am consistently running out of memory when recording long-ish movies
> (using the Animation tool) on a Macbook pro with 16GB RAM. Admittedly there
> are a lot of atoms in the model I am using (~120,000), but most are not
> displayed (only ribbons).
> Chimera is consistently crashing at about the 300 frame mark and looking
> at the activity monitor during the recording I can see memory pressure
> gradually increasing until Chimera freezes (which is generally not
> recoverable).
> Is there any way to reduce the amount of memory required for movie
> recording? Will deleting all undisplayed atoms help? Is there some way to
> perform these operations on disk rather than in memory (most likely a silly
> question)?
> Cheers,
> Oli.
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