[Chimera-users] display a coordinate system in view

Byrd, Robert A. (NIH/NCI) [E] byrdra at mail.nih.gov
Thu Oct 8 14:20:38 PDT 2015

I would like to represent a xyz coordinate system by the unit vectors on the display with a molecule. Ideally, for a two domain protein, I would like to have two coordinate systems, one for each domain. In an ensemble of structures where one domain changes orientation with respect to the other, one coordinate system would move to the new position. It would be nice to then morph from one position to the next. This is straightforward with a set of structures and the morph utility in CHIMERA. The ability to add the two coordinate systems to the display, and have them ‘move’ or morph from one position to the other, would highlight the geometrical averaging that takes place.

Is this possible in CHIMERA?

Andy Byrd

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