[Chimera-users] Chimera Plugins

Eric Bell Eric.Bell at oberlin.edu
Mon Jun 16 15:12:54 PDT 2014


Does a list exist somewhere of plugins developed for Chimera, or would we need to find them posted separately on a host site?

Also, I found recently a software that gives preset .stl mesh resolutions for all atoms of the same element so that when they are 3d-printed, the atoms can all be distinguished from one another: http://cad4.cpac.washington.edu/WinXMorphHome/Cif2VRMLHome/Cif2VRML.htm
However, the rest of the software seems lacking in reference to chimera's capabilities, is there any way that Chimera could have a similar feature?  Ideally it would allow the "subdivisions" property of the viewing effects apply to every element, similar to how radius applies to all atoms of the same element.


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