[Chimera-users] ff dat file

Conrad Huang conrad at cgl.ucsf.edu
Mon Jul 30 10:41:01 PDT 2012

If you plan to play with Amber stuff, you should be using our daily 
builds (http://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/download.html#daily), which has 
several bug fixes missing from 1.6.

In the daily builds, are in $CHIMERA/bin/amber12/dat/leap/parm.  On 
Linux and Windows, $CHIMERA is the installation directory/folder for 
Chimera.  On Mac, $CHIMERA is Chimera.app/Contents/Resources.


On 7/28/12 5:37 PM, Nikolay Igorovich Rodionov wrote:
> Hi, since I am able to implement various force fields, does that mean
> that I have the .dat files of those ff buried somewhere in my chimera
> directory?
> I want to add my custom ff parameters to PDB2PQR so I need to locate the
> .dat files of force fields like Amber12 and Amber99SB.
> Thank you,
> Nikolay Rodionov
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