[Chimera-users] Display only selection

Damien Larivière damien.lariviere at fourmentinguilbert.org
Thu Jan 20 01:33:54 PST 2011

Dear Chimera team,

I'm identifying a complex between two proteins thanks to crosslink data.

I have the following questions:

1/ I would like to select two residues that belong to two different 
chains and highlight them in the viewport.

By using the sequence tool and then ctrl/shift+drag, I can select two 
residues (ex: 45 and 246 of chain A), they are highlighted in the view. 
But when I operate this way with res 45 of chain A and res 246 of chain 
B, only one remains highlighted in the view port.

One way to sort this out would have been to rename all the chains with 
the letter A. But once the residues are highlighted, I have to measure 
the distance between them, then to make one chain active and then to 
move it and try to fit crosslink data (I hope I'm clear:-\ ).

Is it possible to directly select and highlight in the viewport residues 
of interest belonging to different chains?

2/ Supposing that I can select and highlight in the viewport residues of 
interest belonging to different chains:

How can I display only them in the viewport (and hide all the others)?

The technical goal behind these questions is to better appreciate 
visually the distance between residues of interest and, thanks to the 
distance tool, to move one protein with respect to the other and fit 
crosslink data.

Many thanks for your help.


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