[Chimera-users] center of rotation

Eric Pettersen pett at cgl.ucsf.edu
Mon Jan 3 11:52:14 PST 2011

On Dec 30, 2010, at 11:02 AM, Bill Montfort wrote:

> Thanks! This works well. If there were a quicker means for  
> activating Set Pivot, this would be even better (e.g. keyboard or  
> mouse combination). Cheers!

Okay, for added convenience I've put a "Set Pivot" item in the atom  
context menu, which you can access by control-double-clicking an  
atom.  This is only available in the 1.6 daily build and only as of  
tonight's upcoming build (so 1.6 builds dated Jan 3 or later).


                         Eric Pettersen
                         UCSF Computer Graphics Lab

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