[Chimera-users] Script for positioning particles according the coordinates.

Tom Goddard goddard at sonic.net
Mon Feb 7 10:26:03 PST 2011

Hi Alexander,

   By "particle" do you mean an atomic molecular model (e.g. PDB file)?  
Do you already know the desired rotation and translation for each 
particle?  Or do you want to calculate those fits?  What you want is 
probably possible but I need more details to give specific advice.  
Chimera is not memory efficient with its molecular models, so if your 
particles are proteins with several thousand atoms and you want to load 
300 of them, you will need a lot of memory (~2 Kbytes / atom).


> Dear colleagues,
> I would like to fit about 300 particles inside of the map according to 
> it coordinates (X,Y,Z) what I have found before.  Is it possible to 
> make this procedure automatically, such that program would load one 
> particle, shift it according to its coordinates (change pixel size if 
> necessary) and so on?
> Thank you in advance,
> Alexander

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