[Chimera-users] Recording trajectory
Eric Pettersen
pett at cgl.ucsf.edu
Mon Mar 8 17:33:25 PST 2010
On Mar 8, 2010, at 11:01 AM, Francesco Pietra wrote:
> Hi:
> I am interested in following the pathway of a ligand forced to leave a
> protein. I can follow that path with the movie (NAMD format) but I
> would be interested to also have a trace of the pathway recorded. I
> would like to show around the protein the various traces for different
> pathways of exit of the same ligand.
Hi Francesco,
One possible solution is to define a centroid at the center of your
ligand at each frame. Defining centroids is only available in the 1.5
daily build. So in MD Movie's "Per-Frame" dialog you would enter
"define centroid ligand". This assumes that "ligand" in fact selects
the atoms of your ligand (and only those atoms), which you might want
to test out beforehand with the command "sel ligand". Otherwise you
might have to use a more specific atom spec than "ligand". You might
also want to use some options on the 'define' command ("help define"
will show those).
This centroid path may be good enough as is, or you might want to
show a centroid only every 5 frames or every 10 frames, in which case
you would prefix the 'define' command with "#5:" or "#10:".
If you want the path to be linked together rather than just a series
of spheres, more work is necessary. You can save the series of
centroids into a file with the "Save" button on the Axes/Planes/
Centroids tool. This will give you the coordinates of the centroid
centers. You can then either create a BILD-format file (http://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/docs/UsersGuide/bild.html
) or a Chimera markers file (http://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/docs/ContributedSoftware/volumepathtracer/volumepathtracer.html#markerfiles
). With the former you could draw arrows, cylinders, or lines linking
the coordinates, and with the latter you could make cylinder links
which could then be turned into a smoothed spline path with the Volume
Tracer tool.
Eric Pettersen
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab
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