[Chimera-users] Displacement through vectors

Tom Goddard goddard at cgl.ucsf.edu
Fri Apr 23 10:06:06 PDT 2010

Hi Elisabeth,

   I've attached a Python script to place the helium atom.  You open  
your molecule, select the nitrogen atom, then open the Python script to 
create the new atom.

   I've also added the script to the Chimera Python scripts web page:



> Dear all,
> I'm trying to move an atom though a vector but I don't find the correct
> Python script to do that. The vector starts in the mass center of the
> molecule and finish in a nitrogen atom.
> I want to place Helium at 2 angstrom of the nitrogen atom following the
> mentioned vector. Could you help me with the script?
> Thanks in advance.
> Elisabeth Ortega,
> Ph.D Student @ Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona

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