[Chimera-users] menu commands in script

Eric Pettersen pett at cgl.ucsf.edu
Tue Sep 1 17:06:32 PDT 2009

On Aug 31, 2009, at 5:34 PM, James Fethiere wrote:

> is there a command equivalent to the menu command: coulombic surface  
> coloring. I need to include it in a movie script.

Hi James,
	The short answer is no, there is not.  Probably should be.  I'll try  
to fix that when I can.
	Not a great short answer, so here's a longer answer.  I've attached a  
script that if you open it ("open esp.py") will coulombic-ly color all  
open molecular surfaces.  By default it will color red-white-blue -10  
- 0 - 10, but I think it's fairly easy to modify those values just by  
looking at the script.  Let me know if you have problems.


                        Eric Pettersen
                        UCSF Computer Graphics Lab

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