[Chimera-users] Chimera 1.2540 installer options and unattended installation

Frank Thommen structures-support at embl-heidelberg.de
Thu Aug 7 03:30:59 PDT 2008

Hi Greg,

>> [...]
>> My motivation is, that I'd like to install Chimera in a non-interactive
>> way (batchscript) in a non-standard location.  Is there a way to achieve
>> that?
> On Linux, the chimera installer is a self-extracting zip file, so the 
> options you see are the options unzipsfx accepts -- do "man unzipsfx" 
> for more details.

How silly of me.  I should have noticed that from the '--help' output.

> For batch installing, you'll need to give the installer an answer to the 
> one question it asks by redirecting standard input to be from a pipe or 
> a file.  For example:
>     chmod +x ./chimera-1.2540-linux.exe
>     echo /usr/local/chimera | ./chimera-1.2540-linux.exe

Great.  That does the job perfectly.


Frank Thommen - Structures IT Management and Support - EMBL Heidelberg
frank.thommen at embl-heidelberg.de - +49 6221 387 8353

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