[Chimera-users] many days after...another question Re: Select atom by serial number.
Elaine Meng
meng at cgl.ucsf.edu
Mon Feb 26 13:27:30 PST 2007
Hi JD,
Ranges aren't directly implemented, but you can do it with > >= < <=
combinations. For example, you could select atoms with serial
numbers 1-10 with:
sel @/serialNumber<=10
sel @/serialNumber<11
For a nonterminal range, for example, you could select atoms with
serial numbers 11-20 with:
sel @/serialNumber>=11 and serialNumber<=20
I tested these on PDB entry 1zik.
Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D. meng at cgl.ucsf.edu
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab and Babbitt Lab
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
University of California, San Francisco
On Feb 26, 2007, at 11:03 AM, Jean Didier Pie Marechal wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I'd like to select a series of atoms by their serial number
> (again!!!) (e.g. from atom number 1 to atom number 10).
> the sel @/serialNumber=1-10 doesn't seem to be the right syntax.
> Is it possible to do this kind of selection? If yes, what is the
> right syntax please.
> Cheers,
> JD
> Dr. Jean-Didier Maréchal
> Professor Lector
> Unitat de Química Física
> Departament de Química
> Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
> Edifici C.n.
> 08193 Cerdonyola (Barcelona)
> Tel: +34.935814936
> e-mail: JeanDidier.Marechal at uab.es
> ----- Missatge original -----
> De: Elaine Meng <meng at cgl.ucsf.edu>
> Data: Dijous, Gener 11, 2007 8:59 pm
> Assumpte: Re: [Chimera-users] Select atom by serial number.
>> Hi JD,
>> We also tested Chimera 1.2309 on Windows, and these specifications
>> work correctly. Example:
>> Command: sel @/serialNumber=232
>> will select NZ of Lys 27 in chain A of the PDB entry 1zik. The
>> only
>> other thing I can think of (besides what was in the previous
>> message)
>> is to check if your PDB file is correctly formatted. The
>> serial number is supposed to be in columns 7-11 and right-justified.
>> Best,
>> Elaine
>> On Jan 11, 2007, at 11:39 AM, Elaine Meng wrote:
>>> Hi JD,
>>> You are using the correct specifications - both of your examples
>>> should work. I tested both approaches in Chimera 1.2304 on Mac
>> OSX
>>> and they worked correctly. We'll have to look into your
>> specific
>>> version/platform and get back to you. If you want, you could
>> send
>>> me the PDB file you are using so I could test if there is some
>>> issue specific to that structure. To be clear: the serial
>> number
>>> is the number shown in the column after ATOM (or HETATM) in the
>> PDB
>>> file, regardless of what order the atoms are really in. That
>> is,
>>> if the first ATOM has 2 in that column, its serial number is 2
>> and
>>> not 1.
>>> Best,
>>> Elaine
>>> -----
>>> Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D. meng at cgl.ucsf.edu
>>> UCSF Computer Graphics Lab and Babbitt Lab
>>> Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
>>> University of California, San Francisco
>>> http://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/home/meng/index.html
>>> On Jan 11, 2007, at 10:47 AM, Jean-Didier Maréchal wrote:
>>>> Hi Everyone,
>>>> I am desperately trying to select an atom of my pdb by its
>> serial
>>>> number.
>>>> Looking at the archives, it seems that I should put something
>> like
>>>> @/serialNumber=525
>>>> I tried “sel #0@/serialNumber=525” in the commandl ine and “@/
>>>> serialNumber=525” in the Atom Specifier. None of these
>> selections
>>>> worked. Can someone tell me the right way to do this, please ?
>>>> Cheers
>>>> JD
>>>> Current running chimera: version 1 build 2309
>>>> OS: windows
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