[Chimera-users] RGB->CMYK color conversion

James Puckett puckett at caltech.edu
Mon Oct 31 21:20:48 PST 2005

Dear Chimera users,
   I am writing to see if there are suggested methods for ensuring  
good color conversion of rendered Chimera images from RGB to CMYK in  
Photoshop (or other image editing programs).  When printing to a  
Tektronix Phaser 740 color laser, I am getting poor correlation  
between screen colorings and the printed ones.  I have heard that the  
CMYK color space is basically a subset of the RGB color space.  If  
this is actually the case, is there a recommended way to pick RGB  
colors that are relatively "safe" for conversion to a CMYK color space?


Jim Puckett

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