[chimera-dev] AIMAll extension update 1
rodrigogalindo at gmail.com
Fri Jan 9 09:18:00 PST 2015
Hello Eric! Thank you for your reply. I have been trying to add the
color and radius properties in my code but it seems that it gets
overwritten because I do not see any changes when I open the molecule.
With this code:
## Critical points
idNACP = 1
mNACP = Molecule()
rNACP = mNACP.newResidue("Nuclear atractors critical points",
" ", 1, " ")
idBCP = 1
mBCP = Molecule()
rBCP = mBCP.newResidue("Bond critical points", " ", 1, " ")
cpnumber = 1
cpread = 0
getcriticalpoints = osOpen(fileName)
for text in getcriticalpoints:
text = text.strip()
if cpread == 0:
if text.startswith("CP#"):
readtext = text
cpread = 1
elif cpread == 1:
if text.startswith("Type = (3,-3)"):
a,b,signature,type,atom1 = text.split()
cpnum,id,a,b,x,y,z = readtext.split()
x, y, z = [float(c) for c in [x,y,z]]
atomNACP = mNACP.newAtom(atom1, Element("He"))
atomNACP.color = chimera.MaterialColor(1,0,0,1)
(y*0.52918), (z*0.52918)))
cpread = 0
elif text.startswith("Type = (3,+3)"):
print 'CCP'
cpread = 0
elif text.startswith("Type = (3,+1)"):
print 'RCP'
cpread = 0
elif text.startswith("Type = (3,-1)"):
a,b,signature,type,atom1,atom2 = text.split()
cpnum,id,a,b,x,y,z = readtext.split()
x, y, z = [float(c) for c in [x,y,z]]
atomBCP = mBCP.newAtom("%s%s" %
("BCP", id), Element("He"))
(y*0.52918), (z*0.52918)))
cpnumber += 1
cpread = 0
mNACP.isRealMolecule = False
mBCP.isRealMolecule = False
I get an:
NameError: global name 'chimera' is not defined
File "/home/ros/work2/chimera-plugin/ReadAimall/__init__.py", line
54, in readAimall
a.color = chimera.MaterialColor(1,0,0,1)
See reply log for Python traceback.
I tried adding:
import chimera or add MaterialColor in:
;;;from chimera import Coord, connectMolecule, MaterialColor
at the start of the code and it stills shows the default color for
Helium atoms (which I am using as dummyatoms)
Same thing happens with the a.radius command.
Am I having the command overwritten somewhere? Thank you for your help.
On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 5:19 PM, Eric Pettersen <pett at cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:
> On Jan 8, 2015, at 10:46 AM, ros <rodrigogalindo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> I have been making progress with the extension. Now you can open the
> mgpviz file and the atoms will be displayed properly with their
> corresponding bonds in #0.1, the nuclear atractors in #0.2 and the
> bond critical bonds in #0.3 It works great!!
> I am adding Helium atoms to represent the critical points:
> atomNACP = mNACP.newAtom(atom1, Element("He")
> and it works fine.
> Is there a way to modify the color and size of each individual atom
> while it is reading the input? Is it possible to modify the default
> properties generated from the connectMolecule() ? The idea is that it
> displays the original molecule (extracted from the XYZ coordinates) in
> wire representation, and the bond critical points in red (as an
> example) and the other critical points in blue. Each point group are
> generated in their own separate molecule with different Molecule()
> commands, so, is it possible to modify the visualization properties?
> Yes:
> a.color = chimera.MaterialColor(red, green, blue, opacity)
> a.radius = radius
> red / green / blue / opacity all in the range 0-1.
> To change to ball and stick, you would set the atoms to balls as you make
> them:
> a.drawMode = chimera.Atom.Ball
> and change all the bonds after you've called connectMolecule():
> for b in m.bonds:
> b.drawMode = chimera.Bond.Stick
> --Eric
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