[chimera-dev] [Chimera-users] SDF format

Eric Pettersen pett at cgl.ucsf.edu
Fri Dec 15 16:15:40 PST 2006

On Dec 15, 2006, at 5:45 AM, Randy Heiland wrote:

> Eric,
> May I ask how you go about developing plugins for Chimera?   
> Specifically, is
> there a trick to *not* having to quit/restart chimera when testing new
> changes made to the plugin module?  May I ask what IDE you use for
> developing your Python code?  I'm currently using eclipse, but I'm  
> always
> curious to hear of others' experiences.
> Thanks, Randy

Hi Randy,
	I always go the "restart Chimera" route.  Chimera typically starts  
much faster the second and subsequent times since many of it's shared  
libraries are already loaded into memory.  Supposedly you could use  
Python's "reload" function to load the new version of your module,  
though I've personally found that to be a bumpy road (though I  
haven't really tried it recently).  You would definitely want to read  
the documentation for the reload function to get the most out of it,  
and would probably want to be aware of the caveats noted here:
	As far as an IDE, I pretty much work in the stone age -- inserting  
print statements as needed!  Perhaps others would have suggestions...


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