ChimeraX Tutorial for Analysing AlphaFold Predictions and More

Matthias Vorländer, January 2025, Vienna BioCenter

Quick start

The fastest way to visualise your AlphaFold 3 (AF3) multimer predictions is to download the analysis scripts from here and read the instructions in the README files for installation. The installation is straightforward and fast! The scripts will load the five predictions from an AF run, associate the JSON file to each, identify interface residues and write them to files, and generate a slider to easily browse through and compare the different predictions. These scripts support the file formats generated by the AlphaFold 3 web server.

Reasons why ChimeraX is the best

General info and getting started

ChimeraX is a powerful and versatile program and we can only cover a fraction of its many functionalities! Rather than an extensive learning resource, this is meant to make you aware of useful commands for follow-up 😃
General guidelines for learning are:

Info about this tutorial:

This is a code block. You can copy me when this tutorial is opened in a browser, or click on me when this tutorial is opened directly in ChimeraX

Since this was written on a Mac, shortcuts and path formats (/ vs \) are formatted for Mac. Sorry windows world 😦

Note: This tutorial was tested for ChimeraX 1.9, make sure to have at least this version installed!

Setting up your ChimeraX

ChimeraX is an extendable program and can be customised to your preferences, which will make using ChimeraX so much more fun!

Browsing and installing extensions

ChimeraX extensions are available through the “Toolshed” and installation is very straightforward. You can access the Toolshed through the toolbar: Tools/ More tools. Popular extensions include Isolde for structure refining, ArtiaX for electron tomography, and XMAS for protein-crosslinking data display.

💡 Tip:
The clix bundle provides an improved command line tool and offers auto-complete functionality and live preview of all available options for a command you are typing

Editing ChimeraX preferences

You can customise your ChimeraX through the Preference menu. Here are my recommendations to set up once you installed ChimeraX:

Note: For power-users, here is a great set of customisations from Oli Clarke!

Open the Preference menu (shortcut: ⌘+ ,) and change the following:

ChimeraX preference screenshot

Most users prefer a white background to match a typical figure display. You can do this in the first tab.

ChimeraX preference screenshot startup

Here is an example style script that you could save under my_style.cxc in your Custom presets folder:

#Script name: cylinders
#General Settings
graphics selection color black width 5
show nucleic
hide protein|solvent|H
surf hide

#Display Styles
style (protein|nucleic|solvent) & @@draw_mode=0 stick
size protein stickRadius 0.3
size nucleic stickRadius 0.5
show cartoon
cartoon style ~(nucleic|strand) x round
cartoon style (nucleic|strand) x rect
cartoon style modeH tube

#Lighting and Camera
lighting shadows false
light soft
camera ortho

#Silhouette Settings
graphics silhouettes true
graphics silhouettes depthJump 0.1

#Centering and Pivot
cofr center showpivot false

#Window Configuration
windowsize 800 800

#Background and Nucleic Acid Styling
set bgColor white
nucleotides fill
style nucleic stick

Tip: If you just want a reminder of the syntax instead of executing it, add an echo after my_abbreviation:
alias my_abbreviation echo "mutationscores define avg fromScore amiss setAttribute true combine mean mutationSet #1"

You can also save aliases to run more complex scripts in the startup:
alias run_myscript runscript /path/to/my/subfolder/of/the/project/where/I/saved/the/script.cxc. Now, you just type run_myscript. Use this to run the AF multimer analysis templates.

Mini tutorial 1 - Exploring your protein of interest using database queries

Scenario: Let's assume you found a hit in your mass-spec data and know nothing about it other than its uniprot ID. We can use ChimeraX as a great starting point to have a first look.

First, let’s set our working directory (this saves us a lot of typing!!)

Let's tell ChimeraX where to save outputs and where to look for inputs: (or use the Menu File / Set Working Folder...). This is not necessary but a good habit and saves you a lot of typing.

cd browse

Loading the alphafold model and PAE plot

In this tutorial, we are going to look at the mRNA export adaptor ALYREF (also known as THOC4) with the uniprot ID Q86V81 and take some images along the way.

To load the prediction, type:

alphafold fetch Q86V81 pae true

💡 Tip:
If you are new to the ChimeraX command line and scripting, notice how every action that the log window displays the corresponding command that you execute, no matter if through the toolbars or the command line! You can copy and paste them into a text file and save it as a .cxc script that you can run by double-clicking.

This will give us this screen and a new window containing the PAE plot:

alt text

💡 Tip:

Inspect annotated regions

ChimeraX allows you to select regions that have been functionally annotated by uniprot directly. For this, scroll up in the log window until you find the Chain information for AlphaFold Q86V81 #1 block. Now click on the Uniprot name in the tableScreenshot fetch AF indo

This will open two new windows: A sequence viewer, and a feature viewer. Clicking on any annotated feature in the Feature viewer will highlight the corresponding residues in the sequence viewer and will select the residues in the structure viewer.

alt text
You can also type
open Q86V81 fromDatabase uniprot associate #1/A to associate uniprot data with any other model.
This will associate the uniprot info to chain A in model #1.

Note: For associating a sequence from uniprot, your model does not have to be from the alphafold database, you could associate a structure to a model of a structure you just solved!

Change the display style

In my own workflow, I use a custom preset to increase the visibility of the random coil elements. However, since you do not have my custom presets installed, instead try these commands:

cartoon style protein thick 3.5 width 3.5

graphics silhouettes true; light soft

(Multiple commands separated by semicolons can be entered in a single line.) If you also use the button on the PAE plot to color by PAE domains, the structure will look something like this.
alt text

This looks pretty, let’s save a picture:

save domains.png tr true


To go back to using the default ribbon dimensions:

preset cartoons/nucleotides ribbons/slabs

Alternatively, the corresponding entry can be chosen from the Presets menu.

To go back to default lighting and turn off the silhouette outlines:

light default; graphics silhouettes f

Visualizing AlphaFold Missense Mutation scores

Next, let’s load alphafold missense scores and visualise the predicted pathogenicity onto the structures.


1. Load Missense Mutation Data

open Q86V81 fromDatabase alpha_missense format amiss

This fetches predicted effects of all possible amino acid substitutions for our protein. The data is a matrix with a score for each amino acid subsitutition, for more information, check here .

Alternatively, use the shortcut cmd +f to fetch the missense data:
alt text

2. Associate Mutation Data with Structure

mutationscores structure #1

This links the mutation data to our 3D structure so we can visualize it.

3 Label the residues with missense scores
We use the

mutationscores label #1 amiss height 3 palette bluered

From this, we get:

alt text

And if we zoom in we can see the complete substitution matrix superimposed onto the residues:

alt text

How cool is that?? But perhaps a little busy. Let’s instead create a color mapping of the average pathogenicity score (mean over all possible substitutions.) For this, we need to calculate a new mutation score, that we will name avg, using the command:

mutationscores define avg fromScore amiss setAttribute true combine mean

Tip: That is a bit clunky, if we don't want to remember this command, let’s define a shorthand using the alias command:

If we want to use this data perhaps for plotting, we can save the attribute values to a text file (see below). The new attribute we created is called avg.

4. Color Structure by Mutation Sensitivity
Let’s color the structure by our new attribute

color byattribute r:avg #!1 palette bluered key true

This colors the structure based on mutation sensitivity:

In addition we can also render the cartoon thickness proportional to the missense score

cartoon byattribute r:avg #!1

It is getting a bit busy, let’s remove the labels:

label delete

Note, instead of typing the byattribute commands, you can also use the user interface alt text

This varies the thickness of the protein backbone based on mutation sensitivity, making highly sensitive regions more prominent.

alt text

What a stunning piece of art 😉 . Let’s save a picture (this time at a higher resolution by specifying a small pixel size and super-sampling)

save missense_worms.png supersample 4 tr true pixelSize 0.1

We can also save the values of our averaged pathogenicity score to a text file, if we want to plot is using and external program.

save ALY_mutations_scores.defattr attrName avg

Note how a short stretch in a disordered region, as well as the two terminal helices and the central folded domains are dark red, potentially indicating the involvement in functionally important protein-protein contacts!

Tip: if you find the coloring of POIs for your project useful, I wrote a script that is simple to run and returns a ChimeraX script to automate the steps leading to a structure colored by missense value, which can be a bit faster to process multi-chain PDBs --uniprot Q86V81 --pdb 7NZK
You can find the code on my github page for this tutorial and/or get in touch with me directly.

Make a reusable script

Remembering all these commands by heart and typing them out can be a bit tiresome. Luckily, we can make a reusable script that takes a uniprot ID and a model ID as arguments and executes the workflow!

Brief explanation: For a reusable script, the user calls the script together with positional arguments. For the script below, the first argument the user types after the script name will be used instead of $1, and the second argument will be used instead of $2, and so on. We added the keywords mutationSet $1 in several places, because if the script is used multiple times in a session, ChimeraX needs to know which mutations set to use for coloring/labelling the structure.

echo Usage: runscript map_missense [uniprot-id-to-fetch-scores-from] [chain-ID to apply mapping to]
alphafold fetch $1
#get the missense data
open $1 fromDatabase alpha_missense format amiss
#associate missense data to structure
mutationscores structure $2 mutationSet $1
#label each residue with matric
mutationscores label $2 amiss height 3 mutationSet $1
#define a new score called avg by avergaing over all substitution scores
mutationscores define avg fromScore amiss setAttribute true combine mean mutationSet $1
color byattribute r:avg $2 target csab palette bluered range full
#scale cartoon by acg missense score
cartoon byattribute r:avg $2

Let’s save this file into our ChimeraX scripts folder (or any other folder you like), and create an alias to call the program:

alias map_missense runscript /Users/matthias.vorlaender/Documents/ChimeraX_scripts/map_missense.cxc $1 $2

so from now one, you can type

map_missense Q86V81 #1

to execute the entire workflow.

Investigating regions with high pathogenicity scores

For this example, let’s focus on the C-terminal region that pops up in our pathogenicity color mapping. For this, select the C-terminal helices with high pathogenicity score, either by using the sequence viewer, by clicking control-shift and mouse dragging in the structure window, or with the command:

💡Tip: By hovering over a residue, you will see the residue identifier pop up
If you add the alias alias selbetween ks ri to yout startup commands, you select a region by click the the first residue you want to include in your seleciton, then control clicking the last residue in the seleciton, then typing selbetween. Very handy!

select #1/A:239-257

Now, let’s name this selection:

name frozen cterm sel

Note: the addition of the frozen keyword means that the naming will only apply to the currently selected residues, no matter if our active selection changes!

Let’s take look closer at some properties of our selected region.

label sel
combine #1
rainbow #3

Ok, let’s close the second copy

close #3

Blast the selected residues to search for homologs

To search if this C-terminal helix motif is present in other proteins, we can perform a BLAST search directly through ChimeraX. By typing

blast cterm database pdb

we are submitting a blast job to a webserver.

💡 Note:
-Open the user interface (Tools/Sequence/Blast Protein) to see all options.
-The ChimeraX blast tool does not support limiting the BLAST search to a single species
-To search the entire alphafold database for structure homologs of your proteins, use the tool “Similar Structures”, which performs very fast structure based searches of all 200 million Alphafold models! See here for more info

ui tool show "Similar Structures"

Analyze the BLAST results

We will next select one of the PDBs from the BLAST result and visualise the interfaces between our ALYREF and its binding partners. For this, we will pick PDB 7ZNJ, which contains a hexameric assembly of ALYREF bound to the trimeric Exon-junction complex. We can select this from the BLAST tool result that pops up when the search has finished. Click on the hit form the BLAST window, and then on the Load Structures button.

Adjusting the colors and display style

BLAST results

Tip💡: To adjust the zoom level to see all displayed models, type view in the command line

Note that the ChimeraX default display style is applied to every new structure that is being loaded. Let’s apply the preset “Cylinders/stubs” to the model, which is better suited for large structures.

preset cartoons/nucleotides cylinders/stubs

In the log info we can see which chains correspond to our POI ALYREF.
alt text

Let’s create an alias to match all ALYREF (also known as THO complex subunit 4) copies in the molecule. Owing to its many copies, it can be a bit tedious to look up which subunit has which chain, so we can use the chain description instead (This is also super useful when you have lots of structures that have different chain-ids for the same protein!):

name ALYs //description='*THO complex subunit 4'

(Note: We added the * before the description because in this particular structure ALYREF was expressed as an MBP-fusion protein, so the description also contains the text “Maltose binding protein”… )

Next, let’s give each chain a unique color, using a visually pleasing color palette

rainbow polymer palette BuPu

Note: You can choose any color palette from ColorBrewer

Next, let’s color ALYREF in a contrasting color

color ALYs yellow

And perhaps we want the RNA that is present in the structure in a different color:

color nucleic black

Analyze interface residues

Next, let’s analyze the residues that mediate protein-protein contacts between ALYREF and the EJC. For this, we have several options:

  1. Selecting residues near your POI within a given distance

The command

select zone ALYs 5 residues true

would select all residues that come within 5 Å of any ALY copy

  1. The interfaces command

The interfaces command identifies interfaces by calculating buried surface area. It has great functionalities, so let’s use this one here.

interfaces #3

This opens a new window with this plot:

Note: If you rotate the structure in the main window, you can update the plot layout by clicking into the plot and selecting Lay out to Match structure

Click anywhere in the plot and select Help to get a detailed explanation about the graph.
For now, let’s focus on one of the copies (since the hexamer is symmetric, the interface residues for all copies are the same). In the plot, click on Chain D and click Select Contact Residues of D and neighbors.

Next, let’s name the selection:

name frozen inters sel

Let’s display the residues involved in the interface as ball-and-stick representation and label them:

show inters atoms
style inters ball


label inters

I also like to color the residues by element and display hydrogen bonds:

color byhetero


hbonds inters reveal true

We can get a list of the residues involved in interfaces by typing

info residues inters

The residues will be printed in the log window and you can copy them into your logbook and start designing mutagenesis primers 😉 Or you can type info residues inters saveFile /path/to/your/File.txt

For a cleaner display style, let’s remove all the clutter by clicking in the plot and selecting
Show Contact Residues of D. This gives us this view:


Note that the short linear WxHD motif that popped up in our Alphafold missense coloring corresponds perfectly to one of the three interfaces that ALYREF forms with the EJC ❤️

Perhaps we want to revisit this later, so let’s save this view with

view name interfaces_clean

Info: View names are great to retrieve a defined orientation for making figures, but cannot be transferred between sessions. If you want to apply the same view to your model in a seperate session, you can get the screen coordinates with the command view matrix
This specific view van be restored with the command:

view interfaces_clean

Next, let’s focus on the interface of ALYREF with the RNA-binding EJC component EIF4A3, formed by the small WxHD motif. First, let’s analyse the charge distribution of surface of EIF4A3 (chain A) that ALYREF binds to:

coulombic #3/A key true

This gives us a surface representation of EIF4A3, colored by electrostatic potential, revealing a fairly charged interface:
alt text

As an orthogonal method, we can also color by hyrdrophobicity:

mlp #3/A key true

alt text

Get an idea about what is missing in the experimental structure

Due to flexibility, experimental structures often don’t include all residues. To get a quick idea about which percentage of the protein chains are included in the experimental model, let’s superimpose the alphafold models onto the structure. For simplicity, let’s focus on one monomer:

alphafold match #3/A-D trim false

This fetches the full-length alphafold models for every chain and superimposes them on their respective template. In this case, we can see that the majority of the proteins are included in the experimental structure.

Note how the alphafold structures are colored by the confidence score by default. To color them identically to our experimental structure, we can apply all style attributes from our experimental model to the alphafold model (this is a great but relatively unknown command!)

mcopy #3 to #5

If we want to quickly check which residues are missing from the experimental structure, we can get a sequence alignment between the experimental model and the Alphafold models with:

matchmaker #5 to #3 show true

Tip: opening two alphafold models in ChimeraX and using the matchmaker command with the show true option might be the fastest way to create a sequence alignments for exploration

alt text

Let’s make a movie!

Movie making can be a bit fiddly, but the basic workflow is fairly simple. For this demo, let’s make a simple movie zooming on the interfaces we discussed. Much more detail can be found here and here.
For this, let’s reset our scene:

hide protein atoms
show c
save EJC_ALY_hexamer_w_AF_models.cxs
close #1-2,4-5

Warning: ChimeraX does not auto-save or ask for your confirmation before you close it or any loaded models!!

Let’s next position our model for the beginning of the movie, and type

view name start

Now let’s save views for each of the three interfaces

view name contact1
view name contact2
view name contact3

Great! let’s return to our first view and begin:

view start
movie record
view contact1 50
view contact2 50
view contact3 50
view start 50
movie encode our_movie.mp4

Note: You should always make a script for generating a movie. Make sure to add a wait command after every step! Otherwise, the next command will be executed while the last one is still running and it will be a mess. Here is an example:
view start
sel clear
movie record
tr 0 target c
#wait 10 frames
wait 20
#rotate for 2 degrees per frame around the y axis for 180 frames
turn y -2 180
#wait for 230 frames while the structure rotates
wait 230
#focus on interface 1, move smoothly over 25 frames to next view
view contact1 50
#wait for 70 frames while it rotates
wait 60
#make everything but the asymetric unit transparent
transparency #3&~asu 100 target ca
wait 25
#show interface residues
show inters
wait 20
view contact2 50
wait 75
view contact3 50
wait 70
#return to first view
view start 50
wait 70
make everything opaque again
tr 0 target ca
#save the movie
movie encode ALY_EJC_interfaces.mp4 quality Good
#save session
save movie.cxs

Looking at alphafold multimer predictions

Look at best-scoring result from an alphafold 3 prediction

Let’s close everything that's open currently and start with a clean window

close all

We now want to look at a prediction that was generated by the AF3 server. ChimeraX has a great tool that takes the entire directory (= the unpacked zip folder from the AF3 server) as input:

cd browse

read in a folder:

alphafold interfaces ./AF_predictions

Note: AF_predictions contains all files generated by an AF3 prediction!
Note: This command is currently limited to dimeric predictions!

Nothing happens, but check the log. We get a summary of confident contacts, and we can click on the link in the Sequences table to open the PAE plot and load the best structure.

Interpreting the PAE plot: Have a look at these annotations
alt text

The alphafold interfaces command automatically highlights the contacts between the chains, and selects the interface residues!

Analyze the interface

Let’s name the selection before we do anything silly like selecting something else or control+click:

name frozen interface sel

Also, let’s use nicer colors:

rainbow chain palette BuPu

Note the blue lines connecting C-alpha atoms in the structure. These are generated by the command ‘alphafold contacts’ and colored by the PAE value. This command is executed by the alphafold interfaces script (check the log)

alphafold contacts last-opened & /A toAtoms last-opened & /B distance 4.0 maxPae 5.0

Tip: the model selector ‘last-opened’ is amazing for scripting, as it does not depend on you knowing which model-id the last opened file has!! Alternatively, you can explicitly specify a random id when opening a file, which is unlikely to be taken already by a previously opened model, for example open 7ZNJ id 1000

A more general way to get the alphafold contacts looks like this

  1. Open the AF prediction (in this case, in cif format from AF3)

open AF_predictions/fold_2025_01_30_14_44_eif4a3_aly_model_2.cif

  1. associate a PAE .json file with your model (assuming you want to add it to the model you just opened, if you want to use a different model, use the #model-id instead of #1):

alphafold pae last-opened file AF_predictions/fold_2025_01_30_14_44_eif4a3_aly_full_data_1.json

  1. Create the contact maps and pseudomaps from the JSON file (in this case, it assumes that the prediction has 4 chains and we want to map all contacts from chain A to all other)

alphafold contacts last-opened&/A

Note: using only one chain specifier will map the contacts of chain A to all other chains. Running without a chain specified will also show intra-chain contacts.
Note alphafold contacts last-opened&/A output contacts.txt saves a text file called contacts.txt with the per-residue contacts and their distances!

Now, let’s cross-check this with our Alphafold missense script that we built earlier:

map_missense Q86V81 #1/B
hide #!2 models

(Note how we are specifying the chain B from our pre-loaded structure, which will be used for coloring).

Let’s tidy up:

The thick cartoons are distracting for close-up views, let’s use a different preset

preset cartoons/nucleotides licorice/ovals

Remove labels for everything not in interface (the ~ is a negator, so ~label removes labels, and ~interface means "everything but the interface")

~label ~interface
show interface atoms

Focus the view on the interface

view interface

Add elemental colors to sidechains

colour byhetero

Satisfyingly, the WxHD motif that was predicted to be important by the AlphaFold missense tool is the highest-confidence interacting motif!

Note: For Alphafold 3 predictions, check out alphabridge! It gives you beautiful interactive plots such as the one below
alt text

Overlaying multiple predictions and applying the same coloring

Let’s check look at the other predictions that were generated by the AF3 server and see how similar they are

open AF_predictions/*.cif

Note that the *.cif matches all files that end in .cif. CIF files are produced by AF3 and are a newer file format for structural data).

Let’s apply the same colouring from model #1 to all others

mcopy #1 to #3-7
hide #!1

Because ALYREF and EIF4A3 are both rather flexible, let’s define an anchor to align all structures to. We will use a domain called RecA1:

name RecA1 /A:47-240

(Note: we are not using the frozen keyword in this case, so RecA1 will match the residues 47-240 in ALL models that will be .)
Now we can get a stable alignment by aligning to the RecA1 domain. (Added benefit: Aligning to a small subset of a structure is also a lot faster, especially if you work with large structures).

mm #3-7&RecA1 to #1&RecA1

let’s adjust the view/zoom level to see everything


For ease of navigation, let’s create a model series that allows us to slide along the different states

mseries slider #3-7

Interestingly, the conformations and contacts vary a lot, in agreement with the fact that only the WxHD motif interaction is predicted with high confidence.


My most used commands are probably

Align models :
matchmaker [model-1]/ to [model-2]/[chain-id] [show true]
Note: a useful option is
matchmaker [model-1] to [model-2] bring [model-3]
where model-3 is moved along with model-2 (useful for aligning density maps)

Save a position
view name my_name
retrieve a position
view my_name
zoom out to see everything
zoom in on my selection
view residue-spec

Check the selection syntax cheat-sheet below
select residue-spec

Create a shortcut for my selection:
name residue-spec or name frozen sel when I want to give a name to whatever is currently selected

Show my selection in different styles (cartoon, atoms, surface)
show residue-spec [target: c,a,s]

Get full-length alphafold models overlaid on my structure
alphafold match [model-id] trim false

Tips for efficient working

If you can’t remember the syntax of a command, you can either


Atom Selection

Selection of specific regions of your model is essential for structural analysis and making figures in ChimeraX. In ChimeraX, selected regions will be displayed with a green outline. There are several ways to select residues:

Hierarchical Specifiers

Hierarchical specifiers are the most common way to select items. They have up to four levels:

  1. Model (#)
  2. Chain (/)
  3. Residue (:)
  4. Atom (@)
Symbol Level Description Example
# Model Model number in ChimeraX, separated by dots (e.g., #1, #1.3). #1, #1.3
/ Chain Chain identifier (e.g., A, B). /A
: Residue Residue number or name (e.g., :51, :glu). :51, :glu
@ Atom Atom name (e.g., @ca). @ca


select #1/A

color sel red


color #1/A red

Other Ways to Specify Targets

For more information, see the ChimeraX Atom Specification documentation.

Examples of Selections

select #1
select #2/B
select #3/A:45
select #3/A:45-55
select :lys
select #1/A@ca
select #1/B:lys
select @ca,n,c,o

Combining Selections

You can use logical operators to combine selections:

Selecting by Distance (Zones)

Use the select zone command to select items within a certain distance from others.

How to Use

select zone ref-spec cutoff [other-spec] [extend true|false] [residues true|false]


select zone ligand 4.5 protein
select zone #1.2 8
select zone #1.2 8 residues true
select zone #1/A:50 5 extend true

Explanation: The selection will contain all atoms within 5 Å around residue 50 in chain A of model #1, as well as the residue 50 itself.

For more details, check the ChimeraX select command documentation.

Keyboard Shortcuts to modify selections

Naming Selections

Use the name command to create labels for selections, making future commands easier.

How to Use

name [frozen] target-name spec


  1. Dynamic Target for Transmembrane Residues 34-64 in Chain A:
name tm1 /A:34-64


color tm1 medium blue

Explanation: tm1 always refers to residues 34-64 in chain A, even if new models are added. So if you open a new model after you defined the name, the command ‘color tm1 medium blue’ will color both models

  1. Static Target for All Leucine Residues:
name frozen leucines :leu


color leucines yellow

Explanation: leucines refers only to the leucine residues present when it was defined. So if you open a new model after the name was generated, color leucines yellow will only affect the model that was open when you first generated the name!

  1. Static Target Based on Current Selection:
select ligand :<5.5 ~select solvent name frozen pocket sel


color pocket red

Explanation: pocket refers to atoms within 5.5 Å of any ligand, excluding solvent, as selected initially.

Managing Named Targets

name list

Tip: Add builtins true to also list built-in targets.

name delete target-name
name delete all

Matchmaker Command

The matchmaker command aligns and superimposes protein or nucleic acid structures by:

  1. Sequence Alignment: Matching the sequences of the structures.
  2. Structural Fitting: Aligning the structures based on the matched sequences.

Basic Usage

matchmaker #model_to_align to #reference_model


matchmaker #2 to #1
matchmaker #3-5 to #6

Key Options

Additional Information

For more information, visit the ChimeraX name command documentation.

Analysing interfaces

Measure buried surface area of an interface between two selections:
measure buriedarea atom-spec1 withAtoms2 atom-spec2

ChimeraX Tutorial for analysing Alphafold predicitons and more

Setting up your ChimeraX

Mini tutorial 1 - Exploring your protein of interest using database queries

Analyze the BLAST results

Looking at alphafold multimer predictions


Atom Selection

Selecting by Distance (Zones)

Naming Selections

Matchmaker Command

Additional Information