The combine command combines multiple molecule models into a single model or makes a copy of a single molecule model. Although a narrower atom-spec may be supplied, the entire model(s) containing the specified atoms will be included in a new model with the lowest available ID number. The original models are unchanged.
Option keywords for combine can be truncated to unique strings and their case does not matter. A vertical bar "|" designates mutually exclusive options, and default values are indicated with bold. Synonyms for true: True, 1. Synonyms for false: False, 0.
name new-model-name
Name for the new model (default combination). Model names are shown in the Model Panel and other model lists.
refMol ID
Which model's coordinate system to use for the new model (default is the lowest-numbered model involved in the combination). The reference model's untransformed coordinates (if part of the combination) and its current transformation will be carried over into the new model. The coordinates of any other model in the combination will be transformed relative to the reference model. ID is the number of the reference model preceded by #.
newchainids true|false
Whether to allow changes in chain identifiers to make each residue in the new model uniquely specifiable; otherwise, residues may be renumbered to make them uniquely specifiable. Even when newchainids is true, residues in chains water and het may be renumbered.
log true|false
Whether to report changes in chain identifiers or residue numbering in the Reply Log.
See also: split, Build Structure, the Model Panel