Ways to open registered file types in Chimera:
In the tables below, registered file types are grouped by data type:
file type | prefix | suffix | contents |
CASTp ID fetch | CASTp: castp: |
structure and pocket measurements
(data to fetch from the from the Computed Atlas of Surface Topography of proteins (CASTp) database specified by 4-character PDB ID with chain ID optionally appended, for example 2gsh.A; not all PDB entries are in the database; measurements will be displayed in a pocket list) |
CASTp local | .poc | structure and pocket measurements
(previously saved results from the CASTp server specified by name.poc, which will also read name.pdb, name.pocInfo, name.mouth, and name.mouthInfo from the same location and display the measurements in a pocket list) |
CIF/mmCIF | cif: mmcif: |
.cif | molecular structure |
CIFID | cifID: | molecular structure
(mmCIF format; file to fetch specified by 4-character PDB ID) |
Gaussian formatted checkpoint |
fchk: gaussian: |
.fchk | molecular structure |
GRASP surface | graspsurf: | .srf | molecular surface generated by DelPhi (the academic version; see also DelPhiController) or GRASP |
MD Movie metafile | md: movie: |
specification of
trajectory format
and filenames
(associated tool: MD Movie) |
MDL MOL/SDF | mol: sdf: |
.mol .sdf |
molecular structure |
ModBase | modbase: | modeled protein structure
(comparative models in PDB format to fetch from ModBase specified by SwissProt, TrEMBL, GenPept or PIR accession code; associated information will be shown in a list) |
Mol2 | mol2: | .mol2 | molecular structure |
MS surface | dms: ms: |
.dms .ms |
dot molecular surface |
NDB | ndb: | nucleic acid structure
(PDB format; file to fetch specified by NDB ID) |
PDB | pdb: | .pdb .pdb1 .ent |
molecular structure |
PDBID | pdbID: | molecular structure
(PDB format; file to fetch specified by 4-character PDB ID) |
PQSID | pqsID: | predicted biological unit structure
(file to fetch from the from the Protein Quaternary Structure server specified by 4-character PDB ID; predictions are not available for all PDB entries; some entries have multiple predictions, and for those, multiple files will be retrieved) |
PubChem CID (input) | PubChem: pubchem: |
small molecule structure
(3D structure SDF fetched from the Pub3D database provided by the CICC) |
SCOP | scop: | protein domain structure
(PDB format; file to fetch specified by SCOP domain ID) |
SMILES (input) | SMILES: smiles: |
small molecule structure
(SMILES string converted to 3D structure SDF using the smi23d web service provided by the CICC) |
VIPERdb | viper: | .vdb | icosahedral virus capsid structure
(PDB format, in the Virus Particle Explorer database coordinate system; capsid automatically constructed with Multiscale Models) |
VIPERID | viperID: | icosahedral virus capsid structure
(PDB format; file to fetch specified by Virus Particle Explorer database ID; capsid automatically constructed with Multiscale Models) |
XYZ coordinate | xyz: | .xyz | molecular structure |
file type | prefix | suffix | contents |
APBS potential | apbs: | .dx | electrostatic potential calculated with Adaptive Poisson-Boltzmann Solver (APBS) |
DelPhi or GRASP potential | delphi: | .phi | electrostatic potential calculated with DelPhi (the academic version; see also DelPhiController) or GRASP |
UHBD grid, binary | uhbd: | .grd | electrostatic potential calculated with University of Houston Brownian Dynamics (UHBD) |
file type | prefix | suffix | contents |
BRIX or DSN6 density map | dsn6: | .brix .omap |
crystallographic density map used by O |
CCP4 density map | ccp4: | .ccp4 .map |
electron density map |
Chimera map
(based on the hierarchical data format HDF5) |
cmap: | .cmap .cmp |
electron density map |
CNS or XPLOR density map | xplor: | .cns .xplor |
unformatted ASCII density map |
DOCK scoring grid | dock: | .bmp .cnt .nrg |
DOCK (versions 4, 5, 6)
bump, contact, and energy scoring grids (suffixes not interchangeable; gridname.bmp required for reading gridname.cnt and/or gridname.nrg) |
EDSID | edsID: | electron density map
(file to fetch from the Electron Density Server specified by 4-character PDB ID; not all PDB entries have maps available) |
EDSDIFFID | edsdiffID: | electron density difference map (fo-fc)
(file to fetch from the Electron Density Server specified by 4-character PDB ID; not all PDB entries have maps available) |
(based on the hierarchical data format HDF5) |
emanhdf: | .hdf .h5 |
electron density map |
Gaussian cube grid | cube: | .cube .cub |
orbitals, electron densities, other |
grid (see conversion instructions) |
gopenmol: | .plt | orbitals, electron densities, other |
Image stack
(formats supported by PIL) |
images: | .tif .tiff .png (etc.) |
series of grayscale images in multiple files or a single multipage file |
IMOD map
(MRC map with signed 8-bit mode interpreted as unsigned) |
imodmap: | .rec | electron density map |
MacMolPlt grid
(3D surfaces) |
macmolplt: | .mmp | 3D surface data |
MRC density map | mrc: | .mrc | electron density map |
NetCDF generic array | netcdf: | .nc | 3D data |
Priism microscope image | priism: | .xyzw | 3D light or EM data |
Priism time series | priism_t: | .xyzt | time series of 3D light or EM data
(also starts Volume Series) |
PROFEC free energy grid | profec: | .profec | interaction free energy grid from PROFEC (in Amber versions 6 and 7) |
Purdue image format | pif: | .pif | electron density map |
Situs map file | situs: | .situs .sit |
electron density map |
SPIDER volume data | spider: | .spi | electron density map |
TOM toolbox EM density map | tom_em: | .em | electron density map |
file type | prefix | suffix | contents |
Aligned FASTA | afasta: | .afasta .afa .fasta .fa |
sequence alignment |
Aligned NBRF/PIR | pir: | .ali .pir |
sequence alignment |
Clustal ALN | aln: | .aln .clustal .clustalw .clustalx |
sequence alignment |
GCG RSF | rsf: | .rsf | sequence alignment |
MSF | msf: | .msf | sequence alignment |
Selex | selex: pfam: |
.selex .slx .pfam |
sequence alignment |
Stockholm | sth: hmmer: |
.sth .sto |
sequence alignment |
file type | prefix | suffix | contents | |
Chimera commands | com: cmd: |
.com .cmd |
Chimera commands
(locations of files opened by a command file can be specified relative to the command file's location, or with absolute pathnames) | |
Chimera demo | demo: | .src | instructions to Chimera and
explanatory text for the demo viewer
(associated tool: Demos) |
Chimera web data | chimerax: | .chimerax | instructions on data files to open, commands and code to execute (can have a Chimera demo embedded) | |
Python | python: py: chimera: |
.py .pyc .pyo .pyw |
Python code
(locations of files opened by a Python script can be specified relative to the script's location, or with absolute pathnames) |
file type | prefix | suffix | contents |
Bild | bild: | .bild .bld |
graphical objects |
Chimera markers | markers: | .cmm | markers placed in 3D
(associated tool: Volume Tracer) |
IMOD segmentation | imod: | .imod .mod |
EM segmentation meshes and contours |
VRML | vrml: | .vrml .wrl |
graphical objects |