Stereo controls the camera mode of the graphics window (details...). The command ~stereo restores mono viewing. See also: set, startup option --stereo, Camera, the Side View
Possible values of mode are listed in bold:When no tilt is specified, the Chimera Z-axis appears at the dome zenith (the center of the circular view in the graphics window). Setting the dome tilt angle to 60° places the Chimera Z-axis 30° above the dome horizon, the approximate focus of attention of an audience in a planetarium dome with unidirectional seating. In the graphics window, this means the Z-axis direction is ⅙ of the way from the bottom of the circular display.Left- and right-eye stereo views for dome display can be generated by specifying parallax angles of opposite signs. The views are rotated by p-angle degrees about the Y (vertical) axis through the center of the focal plane. For example, views recorded with dome parallax ±5° can be combined to give a stereo effect when viewed in the forward (−Z) direction.